- Accounting
- Audit and assurance
- Business consultancy
- Corporate finance
- Governance, risk and internal audit
- Outsourcing
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Real estate
- Wholesale and retail
Farad has considerable experience in diverse fields of the profession from his association with manufacturing organizations in the Sultanate of Oman, a CPA firm in Los Angeles, U.S.A and an international accounting firm in the U.A.E. During the period 1991 to 2001, he was a partner with the U.A.E. offices of BDO. He has experience in such businesses as manufacturing, contracting, shipping, financial sector, construction, real estate, oil and gas, and hospitality.
Farad has been involved in statutory audits of various banks in the U.A.E.
Farad has expertise in the areas of auditing, fraud investigation, corporate finance, compliance, information technology and management consultancy services. He is also experienced in complex financial modeling and analysis, conducting training programmes and in implementation of professional standards.
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