Localization of your website or e-commerce platform is one of the most effective methods of establishing a footprint globally. However, creating a website that really appeals to local clients around the world means adapting design elements, as well as the content, to suit the local culture, language, and customs of target areas. At Bridge we can assist you in this area. We professionally translate websites and offer localization services that assist in transforming your website or e-commerce platform written in one language, into one which is multilingual, precise and clear.
We can translate your company or brand's websites into different languages. Simply put, the website translation and e-commerce translation done by our organization are carried out by expert native speakers. For example, if you require your website or e-commerce platform to be translated from English into Spanish, the job will be done by a translator whose native language is Spanish.
We translate websites into a host of different fields ranging from manufacturing to tourism, real estate, finance and the car industry. We only choose translators who have amassed experience in the required subject matter and we ensure their qualifications are thoroughly checked when we select experts to work with our organization.
Additionally, we ensure an editor is hired to proofread your website's translation to ensure the site has been translated correctly. The editor assists in proofreading the translation and ensuring there are no errors relating to spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, or other language rules.
Translating your website or e-commerce platform into another language instantly opens up your content to prospective clients and customers who were previously unable to understand the website. This will also lead to a rise in conversions and sales.
Let us professionally carry out your website's translation while you watch your sales grow.
Our translators follow these principles:
- Only translating into their native language.
- Continuously monitoring the industry in order to take into account and become familiar with all changes. The translators must keep their skills up to date through continuing education programs and close monitoring of developments in the sector.
- Using appropriate reference materials to ensure a perfect understanding of the documents to be translated, and thus a high-quality translation.
- Not accepting deadlines that are too short for the assigned task.