Luleå city, located in northern Sweden, is a multicultural city where many inhabitants came from various countries. Arabic and English languages represent the two most common languages spoken by non-Swedes. That being said, the number of Muslims in Luleå and neighbouring cities, Alvsbyn, Piteå, and Boden, is estimated at range from 6,000 to 8,000; representing more than 10% of the total population. The number is also increasing due to different purposes such as study, stay, or working.
Looking closely, the Muslim community in Luleå contains a mixture of different countries that are collectively united by one faith; faith in God and his Messenger. The establishment of a center that brings together, and unites, Muslims is essential. Therefore, the idea of establishing Luleå Mosque, a project by Norrbotten Islamic Center (NIC), was born. The Mosque is to be a beacon and a center promoting proper Islam teachings and Islamic civilizations and culture. The Mosque is set to serve local community; Muslims and non-Muslims. In order for the Mosque project to be managed appropriately & adequately, a team was formulated with quite versatile backgrounds in order to safeguard the project
Sweden is by far the fourth largest country in Europe, with an area of 450,000 square kilometers, and the distance between its far north and its southernmost tip is 1600 km. Sweden has a population of over 10 million people, in 2020, and they are scattered across the country, although there are vast natural areas that are not inhabited by the population. More than 50% of the population lives in the six major cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Uppsala, Örebro, and Luleå. Luleå is the capital of the northern Swedish province, with an area of about a quarter of Sweden and a population of more than a quarter of a million people (2019). The population of Luleo alone is approximately 78000, according to the statistics for the same year. The number of Muslims in Northern Sweden is estimated at 6000-10000, according to statistical estimates based on the Pew Research Institute.
Despite its proximity to the North Pole, the city of Luleå is characterized by breathtaking nature. Usually, winter is very cold, in which the temperature ranges from 15-30 below zero. Spring is beautiful in which the city is rich with different types of beautiful flowers, and the summer is characterized by a beautiful sunny atmosphere and fresh air. Luleå has a rich cultural life as well as diversified commercial and industrial sector. With the demographic diversity of Muslims in the city of Luleå, the need for an institution or center has become urgent to spread Islamic culture and open up to the Swedish society.